John Wooden
Block 1: Industriousness
"There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."
This quote talks about the importance of hard work. By doing hard work you better your skills and yourself. Although it will take a while it will be worth it in the end. John Wooden is trying to say that there is no other way to get to success other than hard work. Along with planning things out, you will reach a better outcome on something you are working on. Planning allows you to strategies ways you can improve. This also helps with practice. You cannot perfect anything without hard work and practice. These are the most important keys to success.
" I was obliged to be industrious whoever is equally industrious will succeed equally."
-Johann Sebastian Bach
This quote is very true and is incorporated in my life often. There are many times where I get tough assignments and I do not want to do the hard work. But I know if I do not put in that effort I will not get the grade I want. I have learned over the years that hard work is the only way to succeed. When I put in a lot of effort it reflects onto the work I turn in. Although the easy way out may seem better at the moment, in the long run, the hard work is much better. The results always show the effort you put into.
Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."
Enthusiasm means to be happy and excited. Without this mentality, one tends to very grumpy and lazy. Having this attitude can impact how one's day will go. If you are enthusiastic about going t school every morning you will be full of energy and productive. You will get it done with no problem, possibly even faster than usual. This is a very important and vital key to have while trying to get to success. This characteristic reflects your personality and work. Others can tell when you are ready to work rather than feeling that you are obligated to. This also comes into hand when you are stuck on something you don't understand. If you give up and doubt yourself you will never master the skill. But if you have a positive attitude towards it then you are more than likely to get it down.
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
This key is very important in my daily life. I try to wake up every day being enthusiastic and ready to go to school. Without this positive attitude, I wouldn't get much done because I'd be complaining all day. I completely agree with John Wooden on this statement, Enthusiasm should be the start to everything. Especially the start of one's day. If you don't love what you do, you haven't accomplished anything.
Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect, and devotion. Like marriage, it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."
This block in the pyramid is vital. It discusses the importance of friendship. A friend is someone you can go to for help or advise. Or even someone you can lean on when you're at your lowest. This is someone you can always trust that will be there for you, as you do for them. This is a bond built between two people who understand each other and respect each other. It is important to be independent but you always need to have someone. Friendships are something important you must cherish and grow. This can be someone you've known since childhood and get along very well with. If you do not take care of these friendships they can break apart and you will have no one. This is why friendships are important to have.
"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendships is to understand and be understood"
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca
I completely agree with this part of the pyramid. Although I am a very independent person. I like knowing that I always have someone to talk to. For example, I and my best friend have been friends since the first week of freshman year. I always go to her when I am feeling blue. Or when I need to laugh. We get along very well and always are having a blast when we are around each other. We connect and understand each other. There is nothing comparable to a true friendship.
Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending on you. Keep your self-respect."
This block of success is important in success and relationships/partnerships. Loyalty is respect for one another and mutual support. You must always have loyalty because it reflects the kind of person you are. You do not betray your partners but rather always help them. In sports, this is important because you cannot balance a team without this concept. Other teammates may need you when they are struggling. Being a loyal person, you must help them strive. If you are loyal to others the same gratitude will be returned back to you. This is a great component to have on the pyramid of success. It is very important when it comes to success. Those who are not loyal will not accomplish anything.
" Loyalty isn't grey. It's black and white. You're either loyal completely, or not at all" -Sharnay
I believe this block of the pyramid of success is very good to have. I person who is loyal is someone you can trust. If you need help with something you can always count on them to be there. Also if you are in a group project with someone loyal. You know they will be done ahead of time and not give up. Personally, I only like to have friends who I know who are loyal. Friends who aren't are not truly friends at all. They will spread rumors and lie.
Block 5: Cooperation
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "
This block of success discusses the importance of cooperation. Cooperation means to be able to work with your team with no hesitation. These kind of people are easy to work will and hard workers. Without cooperation, you cannot get anything done. Your project or assignment will fail because of the lack of cooperation. Nothing can function without cooperation. You must work with others to find out what works best for the group. The whole team must be included not just one single person. By doing so the project will flow and go by fast. Teamwork is the best way to get something done.
" The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation" - Bertrand Russell
I believe this characteristic is very good to have. In every project, I always try in cooperate this skill so that I get things done faster. When having someone who does not cooperate in a group work things tend to go by slower and harder to do. It is harder because we have to peruse the student to work with us.
Block 6: Ambition (For noble goals)
Ambition is to have the drive to accomplish something you really want. You will do anything it takes to reach this goal. To have ambition is one of the most important qualities to have as a person. This is someone you can trust that will get things done ahead of time. They are not fazed by any obstacles that they may come across. Everyone must in cooperate ambition into their daily life. People who are not ambitious are lazy and undependable. You cannot rely on these people because they will not do it. They have no goals set for themselves. They are unsuccessful and will not accomplish anything in their lifetime. Opposed to the trustworthy and successful people with ambition. Ambitious people are the only kind of people anyone should associate with.
"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings" -Salvador Dali
This is a very good block to have on the pyramid of success. You cannot have success without ambition. Personally, I see myself as a very ambitious person. I always like to get things done ahead of time so that I reach my goals faster. I always strive to reach my goals and never slack off. I can only associate with people who have ambition because when I am with people who aren't their laziness rubs off on me. They slow me down and that is something that I Cannot do. I always try to stay away from that kind of people.
Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgment and common sense are essential."
Self-Control is a skill that helps maintain your emotions. This is an important skill for anyone to have. If you do not have self- control it can get you into a lot of trouble. Your emotions will get the best of you. You must think with your mind not what you feel. It keeps you under good judgment and a good mentality. Nothing is more important than the awareness of good self-control. No one can help you with this but yourself. In the professional world, this is a vital skill. Something may happen that will make you mad. But you must remain professional at all times. If you break from self-control you will lash out and possibly lose your position.
"You need self-control in an out-of-control world" -James C. Collins
I agree with this block in the pyramid success. I believe having self-control is a very important skill to master. If you do not have this it will lead to an unsuccessful path. Maybe someone will let their emotions get to them and think they are not capable of getting something done. But in reality, if they really tried they would have gotten it done. Sometimes emotions can hold you back from things you actually want to do. Instead of letting your mind gets filled with these thoughts one should listen to their intuition.
Block 6: Ambition (For noble goals)
Ambition is to have the drive to accomplish something you really want. You will do anything it takes to reach this goal. To have ambition is one of the most important qualities to have as a person. This is someone you can trust that will get things done ahead of time. They are not fazed by any obstacles that they may come across. Everyone must in cooperate ambition into their daily life. People who are not ambitious are lazy and undependable. You cannot rely on these people because they will not do it. They have no goals set for themselves. They are unsuccessful and will not accomplish anything in their lifetime. Opposed to the trustworthy and successful people with ambition. Ambitious people are the only kind of people anyone should associate with.
"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings" -Salvador Dali
This is a very good block to have on the pyramid of success. You cannot have success without ambition. Personally, I see myself as a very ambitious person. I always like to get things done ahead of time so that I reach my goals faster. I always strive to reach my goals and never slack off. I can only associate with people who have ambition because when I am with people who aren't their laziness rubs off on me. They slow me down and that is something that I Cannot do. I always try to stay away from that kind of people.
Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgment and common sense are essential."
Self-Control is a skill that helps maintain your emotions. This is an important skill for anyone to have. If you do not have self- control it can get you into a lot of trouble. Your emotions will get the best of you. You must think with your mind not what you feel. It keeps you under good judgment and a good mentality. Nothing is more important than the awareness of good self-control. No one can help you with this but yourself. In the professional world, this is a vital skill. Something may happen that will make you mad. But you must remain professional at all times. If you break from self-control you will lash out and possibly lose your position.
"You need self-control in an out-of-control world" -James C. Collins
I agree with this block in the pyramid success. I believe having self-control is a very important skill to master. If you do not have this it will lead to an unsuccessful path. Maybe someone will let their emotions get to them and think they are not capable of getting something done. But in reality, if they really tried they would have gotten it done. Sometimes emotions can hold you back from things you actually want to do. Instead of letting your mind gets filled with these thoughts one should listen to their intuition.
Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."
Alertness is when you are focused and have your mindset. It is important to stay alert at all times. If you don't stay alert you might miss something important. Leaving something unchecked is something that can bring you down. For example, if you are doing homework and you miss one question. It will bring you down some points. Or if you are not alert you may miss something important. Such as a pop quiz that you should have studied for. People who are always alert they are always ready for the unexpected. In sports this is key. This block is important to have at all times.People who are alert are successful
" The restful alertness response reverses the aging process" -Deepak Chopra
I believe that being alert is a very important skill to have. Being alert shows that you are always focused and right on task. This is something I always try to do. Whenever I am in class I like to stay alert. In my AP classes especially, because the lessons move so quickly I need to stay on task. I get all my notes down and study for quizzes. I prepare for quizzes that are upcoming or surprise ones.
Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
To be initiative means that you think logically. You always make the right choices. By doing so you will guarantee that you will be successful. This kind of people does not put themselves down when it comes to failure. But rather learn that the next time they will do better than before. This is an important skill to learn from. You will always get things done if you are initiative. These kind of people are independent. They always think on their own, not listening to what others may say. When they become independent they have no distractions stopping them. They are focused and right-minded.
"Most of the things worth doing in the world have been declared impossible before they were done"
- Louis D Brandeis
I think this block in the pyramid of success is very helpful. Many people can learn how to conquer this skill. Once they have this skill mastered nothing will stop them. They will stop listening to bad comments or thoughts and will proceed with what they want to do. They will only think positive. Even when it comes to their failures.
Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."
Intentness is when your mind is fixed on your goal and nothing else. There are no distractions derailing this goal. In sports, this is an important skill to have. For example, in basketball, your ultimate goal is to make more shots than the other team. The players must not let anything distract their mind off of the basket. Even if fans are booing of other players are telling them to fail. They will stay focused and accomplish their goals. In business this also important to have. If you are a marketer you must be focused on making sales. Even if it is a hard product to sell. They make sure that at the end of the day their goal gets met.
" If you have the will to win, you have achieved half your success; If you don't you have achieved half your failure "
I believe that when you have intentness, you will surely accomplish your goals. These kind of people are completely focused and will not let anything stop them. Failure does not come to their mind at all. This is a skill I try to add into my life. Since I have many goals I never anything stopping me from meeting them. When it comes to my future and long-term goals I set my mind completely to it. For a long time, I had my number one goal as to get accepted into college. As of right now, I have been accepted into four universities. If I was distracted I would have never focused on school or go my applications done ahead of time.
Block 11: Sincerity (keeps friends)
Sincerity is someone who is pure and honest. This person you can depend on when you need to because they are a genuine person. In sports, it is always good to have a teammate who has sincerity. They are a wholesome honest player. They wouldn't miss practice to go goof off. Or they wouldn't cheat and let the team down. It is understandable why this is a block in the pyramid of success. Another good example of where to have sincerity is in school. These are successful and trustworthy students. They will always do their work and not copy others.
" Sincerity makes the very last person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite"
- Charles Spurgeon
Sincerity is the most wholesome way to success. I believe that this is a great block to have in the pyramid of success. It really teaches value to others who come across it. It shows that being honest and true will get you very far in life. It is very true that sincerity keeps friends. Your friends are not going to want to be friends with you if you lie and betray them. They will always choose the sincere person every time.
Block 12: Adaptability (to any situation)
Adaptability is the ability to adjust to any form of change. They do not complain but rather work with what they have now. For example, someone who moves after being somewhere far must adapt to their new location. They do not complain about how much they hate their new home or new school. They just make the best of their new location.
" Adaptability is not imitation. It means the power of resistance and assimilation. " -Mahatma Gandi
I think that if you can successfully be able to adapt is a very vital and important skill to have mastered. As an upcoming college student, I must learn to adapt to the new school and location. I know that I will be moving very far away from my family and friends. With moving to a new city I must learn how to adjust to being far apart from the people I love. I need to learn how to get around in this new city I am not familiar or comfortable with.
Block 13: Condition
Block 12: Adaptability (to any situation)
Adaptability is the ability to adjust to any form of change. They do not complain but rather work with what they have now. For example, someone who moves after being somewhere far must adapt to their new location. They do not complain about how much they hate their new home or new school. They just make the best of their new location.
" Adaptability is not imitation. It means the power of resistance and assimilation. " -Mahatma Gandi
I think that if you can successfully be able to adapt is a very vital and important skill to have mastered. As an upcoming college student, I must learn to adapt to the new school and location. I know that I will be moving very far away from my family and friends. With moving to a new city I must learn how to adjust to being far apart from the people I love. I need to learn how to get around in this new city I am not familiar or comfortable with.
Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
To condition is to learn and do a certain task. In sports to be condition is very common. The coach conditions their players to master the skill of the sport they are playing. If the coach doesn't do this then the players will slack off and not perform well. To be conditioned keeps them on top of the game and they develop these skills. It is a routine they must follow.
"Morality defines the human condition" - Drew Gilpin Faust
To be conditioned is important. It teaches you rules to always follow. It also prepares you to perform better than you thought. Without conditioning, you settle for less.
Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."
A skill is when someone has mastered a talent completely. They have full capability of being able to do something with ease. In sports, a person with skill is who you want on your team. For example, in basketball, you need someone who can dribble, make the shots, and or defend the ball. Rather than someone can somewhat dribble the ball alright. A skill takes time and practice to master it. You might not get it on the first shot. But once you do it you will be so satisfied knowing you can. Skills are necessary to succeed. No matter what skill it is, it is important to have.
" It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill"- Wilbur Wright
From my years in high school, I have mastered many skills. Such as being able to successfully play the tenor saxophone. I have been playing for 4 years and I have perfectly mastered it. Now I teach anyone who would like to learn how to play. Since I have the skill to play the instrument I am always Tenor Saxophone number 1 whenever we perform or play songs. I have also learned to properly give a good presentation professionally. To get these both skills down it took a lot of time and effort. If I never practiced I would have never mastered these skills.
Block 15: Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."
To have team spirit is that you always have a good positive attitude. They are always ready to participate and cooperate. Their eagerness rubs off to the people around the true team players. This is important when playing sports in a team. Every team needs spirit to be successful. These people are never selfish they always put their teammates first. These are the kind of people you want in your teams. Along with school projects.
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships"- Michael Jordan
Personally, I always try to be a team player in any group work I'm in. Such as when I did my IDP's in the previous years. Although, it wasn't something I wanted to do I still did all my work with a positive attitude. There were times I was paired up with someone I didn't like because they did not do their work. I still worked with them and because I was very positive with them they got all their work done on time.
Block 16: Honesty (in thought and action)
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)
This block in the pyramid of success discusses the importance of honesty. Honesty is when you always tell the truth and never lie. People who are honest are genuinely good people. You can always trust an honest person. They will never lie or trick you. A dishonest person would. They would lie straight to your face. Only getting you into trouble. Honest people are always choosing the right. They are strong-minded and dependable.
"Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure" - James Altucher
I think this block in the pyramid is a good thing to follow. As well as the quote by Ben Franklin. I believe I am a wholesome honest person. I never tell lies. I feel as if lying is very unnecessary and wrong. I'd rather tell the truth and not get into problems than lying and get overwhelmed by the piling troubles to come. Honesty is the true key to success.
Block 17: Resourcefulness (proper judgment)
“Make the most out of what you have.” (Anonymous)
"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it. (Jennifer Witterick)
To be resourceful is when you use everything you have to benefit yourself. You do not complain about the things you do not have. But be grateful for what you do. This can a physical thing or a mental resource. By mental resource, I mean skills and or brain power you have. These skills can help you in the long run. By being resourceful you learn to work with what you have. You master the skill even though you don't have everything that is required.
" A resourceful person will always make an opportunity to fit his or her needs" - Napoleon Hill
I think that believe that being resourceful is an important skill. This is a skill only a few know how to master. When someone who can be resourceful will be very successful. I also believe that the quote by Napoleon is very true. Anyone who is smart about what they want to do will make opportunity happen.
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone"
-Audrey Hepburn
I believe that being poise is a very important trait to have. It gives you confidence and ease. With this, you do not stress or overthink. You know that you can do whatever you put your mind to. You completely believe in yourself.
Block 17: Resourcefulness (proper judgment)
“Make the most out of what you have.” (Anonymous)
"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it. (Jennifer Witterick)
To be resourceful is when you use everything you have to benefit yourself. You do not complain about the things you do not have. But be grateful for what you do. This can a physical thing or a mental resource. By mental resource, I mean skills and or brain power you have. These skills can help you in the long run. By being resourceful you learn to work with what you have. You master the skill even though you don't have everything that is required.
" A resourceful person will always make an opportunity to fit his or her needs" - Napoleon Hill
I think that believe that being resourceful is an important skill. This is a skill only a few know how to master. When someone who can be resourceful will be very successful. I also believe that the quote by Napoleon is very true. Anyone who is smart about what they want to do will make opportunity happen.
Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."
To be poise is graceful and elegant bearing in a person. This skill is very useful. It is to be able to be wholeheartedly yourself. Pretending to be someone else will get you nowhere. But, being you is the best you can do. You don't have to worry about anything. Your mind focuses on you and your work.
-Audrey Hepburn
I believe that being poise is a very important trait to have. It gives you confidence and ease. With this, you do not stress or overthink. You know that you can do whatever you put your mind to. You completely believe in yourself.
Block 19: Confidence
"Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in
"The Carolina Way"
"The Carolina Way"
Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust. Having confidence is an important trait. It shows that you believe in what you do and do not back down. When someone has confidence others can see it. They can see it in the way you talk and carry yourself. When someone does not confidence they are shy or do not what they are talking about. Having lack of confidence is very bad. When it comes to professional presentations this is the one skill you must constantly practice to master.
" Nothing can dim the light that shines from within" -Maya Angelou
I think that having confidence is a very vital trait. When you have confidence the doors fly open for you. Nothing fazes you when you have this. Whenever I did my IDP's I always showed confidence. I was a loudspeaker and knew what I was talking about. When I would get a hard question from a professional I answered with confidence. This was a skill that took a while to master. But nothing is impossible now.
Block 20: Reliability (creates respect)
Reliability is the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well. A reliable person is someone you can depend on. They're trustworthy people always. If you need someone to help you with doing the right thing, go to a reliable person. They are always willing to give a helping hand. Loyalty is their main focus and they have mastered this skill. Other people like to associate themselves with a reliable person.
“You need not wonder whether you should have an unreliable person as a friend. An unreliable person is nobody's friend.”
― Idries Shah, Reflections
I believe that being a reliable person is the number one way to become successful. In this business world companies only want to give the job to the person is reliable. They know that they will be responsible, respectful, and loyal above all. To be reliable is what I strive to be.
Block 20: Reliability (creates respect)
Reliability is the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well. A reliable person is someone you can depend on. They're trustworthy people always. If you need someone to help you with doing the right thing, go to a reliable person. They are always willing to give a helping hand. Loyalty is their main focus and they have mastered this skill. Other people like to associate themselves with a reliable person.
“You need not wonder whether you should have an unreliable person as a friend. An unreliable person is nobody's friend.”
― Idries Shah, Reflections
I believe that being a reliable person is the number one way to become successful. In this business world companies only want to give the job to the person is reliable. They know that they will be responsible, respectful, and loyal above all. To be reliable is what I strive to be.
Block 21: Fight (determined effort)
Fight is when you do not give up. You take no for answer. People who fight are motivated to get what they deserve. They are determined by only the best. They have a great amount of confidence in themselves because they have only one goal in sight. If they set their mind to it, it will be accomplished. People who have the drive to fight for what they want, are the kind of people you want to surround yourself with. They will never let you down.
"Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive" -Leah LaBelle
Learning how to fight for what you believe is right and or something you want to do is an outstanding skill. This shows perseverance when life drags you down you keep fighting your way back up. This is something I have learned to do all my life. I had to fight the things I was not able to do to get better. I also fought myself to keep pushing myself beyond my limits because, in the long run, it will be all worth it. If you do not fight you will get nowhere in life. You do not challenge yourself to get better. This is why it is important to always keep fighting your way to the top.
Block 22: Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
To be competitive is when one has the drive to be the best at anything they do. They never accept being anything below number one. There are two types of competitive people, those who gloat about everything do and are very arrogant. Then there is those who have competitive greatness. Those with competitive greatness understand how to be a good sport. They do not show off but are still happy about their achievement. They know when its the right time to be competitive.
" I believe greatness is an evolutionary process that changes and evolves era to era" -Michael Jordan
Personally, I am a very competitive person so I understand competitive greatness. When someone has this you can see it in their actions. You know that they are not a cocky player but a true hard working player. They will always be a team sport helping everyone out no matter how many wins they may have. Just like Kobe Bryant, he was the number one player in the NBA and he was always a good sport and showed competitive greatness.
Block 23: Integrity (purity of intention)
To have integrity is when someone has the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. These people always have the right intentions in mind. They never do anything wrong or tell anyone to do wrong either. They are strong leaders because they always get the job done the right way. Someone with integrity is someone you want to be around. They have a pure heart and will always steer you the right way. They always choose the right.
Block 25: Patience (good things take time)
Patience is when someone takes the time to wait for something. Things that may take time tend to bring good things along with it because that person had patience. For example, for hearing back from colleges you must have patience. If you are inpatient it may seem like it will take forever to hear back. But if you are patient and use your time wisely, it won't feel as long and good things may come. Just know that good things always take time. Never be inpatient for anything.
"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success"
-Napoleon Hill
Having patience is a great skill to achieve success. Not everything comes in an instant, you must wait. While waiting you can't be negative and always complaining, you must stay positive because whatever it is that you're waiting for is worth it. You must also be patient with yourself. You cannot rush everything in life, you must take your time. For example, if you rush a test because you want to be the first to finish. Yes, you may be the first but you may not be the student with the best score. Since you didn't take your time to double check your answers there could be some errors. So always be patient with yourself, others, and life.
Final reflection:
After reading and understanding John Wooden's pyramid of success I have learned many skills. I have also learned about the importance of these blocks of these skills. Learning these skills will be very useful once I leave high school. I plan to further develop the skills seen on the pyramid of success. These blocks are very helpful for those who want to achieve success. I have learned the value and importance of some characteristics. Such as patience (block 25). I learned that patience is the key to success because you must wait for good things to come. You cannot rush things that are meant to take time. Another skill I learned about is competitive greatness. Which is block number 22. From this skill, I learned that there are two different types of competitiveness. For instance, those who become arrogant because of their achievements and it gets to their head. Opposed to those who are more humble and do not let their achievements get the best of them. When someone has competitive greatness they have the drive to become better than from what they are now. This is one skill from the pyramid of success I want to develop outside of high school. In college, this block will be very valuable. I must be very competitive but the right kind that will make outstand the other student that will be in the same class. Another skill I would like to develop is the confidence block. That is block number 19. Confidence is important for achieving success because you never limit yourself to what you can do. There are times when I lack this skill because I do not believe that I am capable of something that may seem too hard. But if I had confidence I would take on the challenge and realize it isn't as hard as it seemed. The John Wooden pyramid of success is something I will always keep in mind so that I too can accomplish my goals.
" I believe greatness is an evolutionary process that changes and evolves era to era" -Michael Jordan
Personally, I am a very competitive person so I understand competitive greatness. When someone has this you can see it in their actions. You know that they are not a cocky player but a true hard working player. They will always be a team sport helping everyone out no matter how many wins they may have. Just like Kobe Bryant, he was the number one player in the NBA and he was always a good sport and showed competitive greatness.
Block 23: Integrity (purity of intention)
To have integrity is when someone has the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. These people always have the right intentions in mind. They never do anything wrong or tell anyone to do wrong either. They are strong leaders because they always get the job done the right way. Someone with integrity is someone you want to be around. They have a pure heart and will always steer you the right way. They always choose the right.
"Goodness is about character - integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people"
-Dennis Prager
To have integrity is one of the best skills you could have. This means you are true and honest. In the real world such as in jobs, they always have a spot for a person with integrity. The boss could always trust that an employee with integrity will get the job done the right way.
Block 24: Faith (through prayer)
Believe and Achieve. Positive belief.
Faith is when you have hope for something good. You believe in something that is right and true. If you have faith you can do anything. You can do anything you set your mind to. There is pure positivity in faith, you always keep your head up high. To have faith is the right thing to do. Always keep faith in your mind and heart.
"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe"
-Gail Devers
I believe that having faith is very important. This is important because it keeps your mind focus on the good things you could do in life. If you have faith in something you set a goal to, you can guarantee that it will happen. Just keep your head up high and good things will come your way. Anything is possible when you have faith. Block 25: Patience (good things take time)
Patience is when someone takes the time to wait for something. Things that may take time tend to bring good things along with it because that person had patience. For example, for hearing back from colleges you must have patience. If you are inpatient it may seem like it will take forever to hear back. But if you are patient and use your time wisely, it won't feel as long and good things may come. Just know that good things always take time. Never be inpatient for anything.
"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success"
-Napoleon Hill
Having patience is a great skill to achieve success. Not everything comes in an instant, you must wait. While waiting you can't be negative and always complaining, you must stay positive because whatever it is that you're waiting for is worth it. You must also be patient with yourself. You cannot rush everything in life, you must take your time. For example, if you rush a test because you want to be the first to finish. Yes, you may be the first but you may not be the student with the best score. Since you didn't take your time to double check your answers there could be some errors. So always be patient with yourself, others, and life.
Final reflection:
After reading and understanding John Wooden's pyramid of success I have learned many skills. I have also learned about the importance of these blocks of these skills. Learning these skills will be very useful once I leave high school. I plan to further develop the skills seen on the pyramid of success. These blocks are very helpful for those who want to achieve success. I have learned the value and importance of some characteristics. Such as patience (block 25). I learned that patience is the key to success because you must wait for good things to come. You cannot rush things that are meant to take time. Another skill I learned about is competitive greatness. Which is block number 22. From this skill, I learned that there are two different types of competitiveness. For instance, those who become arrogant because of their achievements and it gets to their head. Opposed to those who are more humble and do not let their achievements get the best of them. When someone has competitive greatness they have the drive to become better than from what they are now. This is one skill from the pyramid of success I want to develop outside of high school. In college, this block will be very valuable. I must be very competitive but the right kind that will make outstand the other student that will be in the same class. Another skill I would like to develop is the confidence block. That is block number 19. Confidence is important for achieving success because you never limit yourself to what you can do. There are times when I lack this skill because I do not believe that I am capable of something that may seem too hard. But if I had confidence I would take on the challenge and realize it isn't as hard as it seemed. The John Wooden pyramid of success is something I will always keep in mind so that I too can accomplish my goals.